Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tarot Elements....Air

The swords suit represents the element of air, and our mind.

The mind is a powerful thing, as are the thoughts that reside in it.  Ideas can start wars, they can change the foundation of who we are, they can affect everything that surrounding us. New ideas threaten old ones, and can cause a lot of conflict. We have to weigh them out to determine if that is worth our while. Then there are times when we are so sure of an idea until it shifts from the mind into reality, when the reality of the idea transforms it can be more than we can handle. Which starts the cycle of thoughts all over again. Can we really handle what we think we can handle?

On the other side of the spectrum is when a thought feels much heavier, and dramatic than it really is, our paranoia can run wild and create so much unneeded anxiety. Maturity helps us to control the thoughts and ideas that run through our minds, helps us to choose which words to speak into existence. We learn to be more strategic when we build our mental strength, choose when, and how to place our words. When its necessary to be sharp and to the point, like a sword. Ignoring that maturity can result in that sword being double edged and inflict pain onto ourselves. The suit of swords takes us through this mental journey, starting with the Ace and its threat to throw out the way things have always been. Ending with the King who is a master of his mind, and plans his moves.


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