Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Healing With the Akashic Records

As we progress through this lifetime, it may become apparent to some of us that we have some personal issues that we would like to work on, or to finally resolve. Many of us who desire to move forward have tried numerous methods to move forward, all of which have had varying degrees of success.

One way to resolve some of these issues, or to begin to resolve them, depending on the magnitude of the problem, is to have an Akashic Records reading. The Akashic Records are the etheric library that contains all information from all of our lives on Earth.  In your Akashic Record resides information that may be pulled forth to understand why you react the way you do to certain situations in this lifetime, which quite possibly stems from experiences you’ve had in previous lifetimes.

Not only does this provide clarity now, but when you are having an Akashic Records reading you are in an energy of love and non-judgment that actually can start to shift the energy and the circumstances around old issues. Energy from the Akashic Records flows to you while you are having a reading, and your perspective and the old energy actually starts to vibrate and break up. This can result in new behavior and a new outlook on an old problem!

I have experienced this in my life multiple times, and continue to go into my own Akashic Records for love and healing. It is really amazing, and I invite you to join me!


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