Monday, August 25, 2014

Lightworkers, Starseeds, Galactic Beings, Walkins.......Our Purpose?

We all relate to one or all of these words, labels, or titles. Connecting to these titles can create separation but the purpose is for understanding our multi-dimensional selves at a new level. When we are searching for answers, they come to us like pieces of a puzzle. These single pieces never define us. Learning of past lives or who we are on a multi-dimensional level is for bringing pieces of wisdom to our life now. Learning different aspects of our being brings us back to our true essence so we can free ourselves from limiting patterns, beliefs, and polarized energies and or claim our Divine self. We all carry DNA codes from other planets and star systems. We have come at this time to reconnect in this experience of life with these aspects of self, to facilitate our evolutionary process and then to assist others. As our awareness grows, new levels of code activations from our Galactic being become reintegrated and reveal to us our purposeful mission we have come to fulfill.

The process of awakening our soul is truly what is behind what we call our awakening. Our spiritual growth leads us to the realization of our Galactic energies we are bringing here to creatively anchor and express for humanity and Gaia at this time. Our job now is to raise our frequency to be able to anchor these energies here on earth. Energy frequency is a measure of wave oscillations per second (hertz). When the oscillation rate increases, the frequency becomes higher. The higher our energy frequency becomes, the more connected to our higher awareness, intuition, clairvoyance and spiritual gifts (Zen Buddhist monks routinely vibrate at 40+Hz-pure enlightenment). The raising of our vibration is happening with the influences of the energies here now. There are ways to assist in our own process. Working on our ego/shadow is essential for frequency to change. It is not about perfection but there are certain vibration changes that have to happen for us to move into these frequencies.

Our individual Ascension is a journey back to remembering who we have always been. This journey at times can be quite challenging yet blissful. Returning to the original point of creation within ourselves brings us back to our expression of our Multi-dimensional SELF. This is our ultimate goal of Ascension. Our Ascended self being in unity with our human self.

Now is the time to embrace our uniqueness and bring forward our gifts for our evolution, humanity and Gaia. Our gifts are going to come to us through art, music, words, the list is endless. They are an effortless aspect of ourselves that come through with ease.


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