Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Meet the Magus Minions...Emma Ahlberg

I never thought I’d be a member of the polytheist pathway. Black cloaks, magic candles, gods and goddesses who lived somewhere between my conception of good and evil- it all seemed quite an unlikely thing for me to do. What I quickly found, however, is that it was QUITE a likely thing for me to do. As it turned out, I fell into the pathway just as soon as I entered into my college years. Now, being a “kitchen witch” is as much a part of my life as being freckled! I am mostly a solitary practitioner, aside from my menagerie of multi-faith chosen family.  Anything to do with the hearth and home, I have some hand in. I work with herbs, house magic, Irish deities, storytelling, stones, green magic, and I do lots of reading. I am very passionate about history- I studied the history of Ireland and pre-Christian religion for three years- and animals, which I will begin studying for my Vet Tech degree.

I am so excited to be working at Magus, and proud to be working with the people I do. I will always say my favorite part of Magus is a tie between the Wall of Herbs and the many books, both of which never cease to amaze me with their knowledge and stories.

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