Monday, December 15, 2014

Winter Astrology

As the Sun enters CAPRICORN, nature takes a rest. The Earth is barren and the animal kingdom is seeking refuge for the winter months. There is an air of austerity, and the world is awed by the transition that has taken place. When functioning in the Capricorn area of your life, you project that same austerity and demand respect for your capacity to survive. Just as animals are finding protection from the elements, you instinctively build a wall of protection around your feelings of vulnerability to the environment. 
At the midpoint of the winter season, when the Sun moves into AQUARIUS, the air seems electrical. There is a freshness that both cleanses and stimulates. Electrical energy is so potent now that touching certain objects is literally shocking. And so is the energy of the Aquarian personality. In your Aquarius-ruled experiences (house) intuition often strikes you like the lightening of the season. Just as ice crusting over the Earth seems shattered by the seasonal thunder, you have the power to break through barriers that limit creative expression.
The cycle nears its end as the Sun moves into the last zodiacal sign, PISCES. Winter is almost over; spring is almost here. All of nature seems in a state of limbo. Faith is the keynote for survival.  You often feel out of step with the rest of the world when functioning in the Pisces-ruled area of your life. You don't fit into the patterns that have been; yet you remain unable to open the gates to what lies ahead. Just as Mother Nature is making a commitment to start anew, you must commit your life to some future cause, a fantasy or a dream; an ideal or an illusion.

When spring returns, promises are filled; the Piscean faith is rewarded; a new life begins as the cycle renews itself.

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