Thursday, January 29, 2015

Readings by Cameron

I provide Chiromancy (Palmistry) and Tarot Card readings. (Other services may be offered at a later date.)

They both provide an intriguing route to the same destination, knowledge and enlightenment, but to those who may not be all that familiar, it could be a tricky decision. Here are a few factors to help you choose which one will suit your needs most:

Chiromancy: I view the hands as a roadmap, or blueprint, of their holder. Within your hands, I am able to view the inner aspects of your life via the lines and characteristic shapes of your hand. The Fate, Head, Heart, and Life lines are the major lines which most people contain. There are numerous amounts of lesser lines that are equally useful to deciphering one's life. If you are confused in your life and unsure of your own feelings, the hand is a great choice to give you clarity and to allow for better understanding of the self. It is also a great use to find out compatibility with another! Bring your friend or significant other and compare hands to see how you complement each other. 

Tarot: The tarot cards tell a story that everyone is familiar with: The story of our life's journey. In conjunction with numerology, the symbols that are revealed from the cards paint a picture of the issue at hand. There are a great number of spreads to use in order to capture a snapshot of the querent's current life and allow him or her to take a step back and see it from a fresh perspective. Tarot cards are great for when you're feeling stuck, as you can see all the options available. It's also a fantastic resource for taking a peak into issues that are not in our own lives. 

I offer both services separately, or at the same time. Longer sessions are required if both are desired.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Individuals born under the sign of Aquarius are often quirky and unconventional. Sometimes their eccentricities are obvious -- they may have an unusual sense of humor, or have interests that others do not. Other times, Aquarians will have very small, quirky and sometimes amusing eccentricities which only become apparent as one gets to know them.

Aquarius is a very free-spirited, unpredictable sign, and those born with this sun-sign are often given to a wide range of emotions, and to indecision. Aquarians will often change their mind about certain things, as the mood suits them. While typically intellectual, charming and well behaved, Aquarians will sometimes change their mind regarding important issues, or act in a very self interested way. For the most part, Aquarians are concerned with the "greater good" and express humanitarian interests.

Aquarians are extremely friendly, and very well liked. They are always a mystery -- with their unpredictable responses and often complex personality types. Aquarians typically love to travel and are always ready for adventure.

According to the Western astrologers Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries make the best partners for Aquarians.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Meet the Magus Minions...Cameron Williams

Cameron Williams is an intuitive palmist and tarot card reader. From a young age, he has always felt connected to the "unseen" world. Occult studies started out as a hobby and rapidly grew into a passion. It wasn't long before he realized it was all a matter of remembering what he already knew: we are all innately psychic. And thus his journey of expanding was propelled forward by personal intuition.

Doing readings just came naturally for him, as it felt like it was something he had done before. He started doing readings professionally when he was 21. Please stop in and meet Cameron or make an appointment online. Click on BOOK ONLINE to the right of this article. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Consider a Career in Herbalism

Herbalists work with a wide variety of plants to determine appropriate treatments for patients. In this profession, alternative methods of healing and natural forms of medication are used. Herbalists keep up with the healing properties of plants and herbs to treat their patients, offering a natural alternative to modern medicine.

Many herbalists either treat patients through a private practice, or as part of a holistic medicine clinic. Typically they see patients to understand their ailments or health conditions, and determine the best treatment plans based on the patients’ needs. Herbalists work in the same manner as traditional physicians, beginning with patient consultations, working through the diagnosis, and providing an appropriate treatment plan.

It is important for an herbalist to keep up with current trends and medical findings. More importantly, herbalists must keep up with newer practices of medicine including new plants and herbs available as healing properties. Herbalists work in a teaching role as well, especially since this is a new, up and coming type of medicine.

Holistic medicine clinics often hire herbalists to work on staff, where they are part of a team. With this type of medicine, healthier and natural alternatives are used to heal patients. Therefore, herbalists sometimes work in conjunction with aromatherapists or acupuncture specialists. Herbalists keep up with other holistic approaches, in addition to keeping track of the plants that heal their own patients. Therefore, herbalists spend a great deal of time educating themselves, and dealing with appropriate methods of patient care so they can serve those who come to them for natural healing.

Training/Educational Requirements

Since this is a newer form of medicine, there are no set educational requirements. Herbalists often have a medical background, but this is not a prerequisite. The most important educational requirement for an herbalist is to keep up with current trends and healing properties of plants and herbs. Since this is a newer aspect of alternative and holistic medicine, there are always new findings and research to help with patient care.

There is a movement in motion that requires herbalists to become certified as a minimal training requirement. There is a certification program available that provides credibility for herbalists, but is not required at this time. Those who wish to gain certification can do so, especially if they are looking to enhance their patient care skills.

How to Get Hired

As with any other type of medicine, experience is the best way to get hired. Patients want to know the physician they see offers a great deal of knowledge and experience so that they can offer them the best possible care. If working as an herbalist in a private practice, the best way to get hired by potential clients is to have effective marketing techniques. Again experience is the determining factor in getting hired.

If an herbalist is trying to get hired as a part of a holistic medicine clinic, knowledge of plants and herbs as well as experience in patient care is an excellent way to get hired. Additionally, knowledge in other holistic medicine practices such as acupuncture is a great way to get hired since they often work hand-in-hand. This is a relatively new form of medicine and therefore any medical training or experience, even in another field, proves to be an effective way of getting hired.

Job Prospects, Employment Outlook, and Career Development

Since this is a newer type of medicine, there is great potential in terms of growth. Herbalists are just coming into their own as a profession, therefore, there are plenty of opportunities in this field. As more people gravitate to a more natural way of living and seek alternatives to modern medicine, herbalists continue to gain patients who can benefit from their services.

The biggest obstacle for herbalists is to prove they have the knowledge and experience that patients seek. Patients interested in this type of holistic medicine are usually open minded, but they want to know the herbs being prescribed to them are coming from a reputable source. Although the potential for jobs is high for herbalists, it is essential for them to demonstrate knowledge and capability within this area of holistic medicine. The greatest opportunities for jobs in this field are working in a private practice or as part of a holistic medicine clinic. Teaching is another area where herbalists can expect to find potential job opportunities.

Working Environment
The typical working environment for herbalists is that of a typical physician’s office. They can expect to have a small office within a clinic or larger practice, spending time moving between their office and the patient rooms. Patient consultations take place in the office or in an exam room. The office typically consists of a waiting room, a check out desk, and individual exam rooms.

An herbalist spends time doing research or learning about new treatments in a classroom or office. If they have teaching responsibilities as a part of their job, they can expect to maintain a typical classroom as part of their regular working environment. Depending on how involved they get with the research on various plants and remedies, they may spend time in a laboratory learning from scientists within the field. The work environment can change from time to time depending on the herbalist’s role.

Want to learn more? Contact Magus Books' own resident Herbalist, Liz Johnson.

Original post:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Many, Many Benefits of Massage

Massage is no longer available only through luxury spas and upscale health clubs. Today, massage therapy is offered in businesses, clinics, hospitals and even airports. If you've never tried massage, learn about its possible health benefits and what to expect during a massage therapy session.

Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Massage therapists typically use their hands and fingers for massage, but may also use their forearms, elbows and even feet. Massage may range from light stroking to deep pressure.

There are many different types of massage, including these common types:
  • Swedish massage. This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energize you.
  • Deep massage. This massage technique uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, commonly to help with muscle damage from injuries.
  • Sports massage. This is similar to Swedish massage, but it's geared toward people involved in sport activities to help prevent or treat injuries.
  • Trigger point massage. This massage focuses on areas of tight muscle fibers that can form in your muscles after injuries or overuse.
Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.

While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia related to stress
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Paresthesias and nerve pain
  • Soft tissue strains or injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Temporomandibular joint pain.
Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often involves caring, comfort, a sense of empowerment and creating deep connections with their massage therapist.

Schedule your massage today!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Natural Skin Care in the Winter

Winter is a great season to enjoy. In winter, skin gets so dry cause of weather change.

Another big reason of dry skin is that in winter we try to take less water and replace it with hot drinks like coffee, tea, hot chocolate and this is one of the reason of dehydration in body.

Try to take more water even in winter and keep your skin moisturize.


Use cream or lotion which contain glycerine.

While taking bath, add a few drops of any oil in it. This will keep your skin moisturized for a long period of time.

Don't use too much heat in your home. Adjusting the humidity in your home can also help to prevent dryness.

In winter, enhance your diet with with Omega 3 and 6 rich foods, such as fish, eggs and milk.

Drink 1-2 glasses of Aloe Vera juice each day. Aloe Vera gel can be applied on the face as a good moisturizer too.

Cover your skin as much as possible when facing extreme cold and harsh winds. Use gloves, mufflers, scarves, and jackets.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Magus Books' Books

Check out our amazing selection of books...available at our Minneapolis Dinkytown location (1309 - 4th St. SE), or ONLINE.

More than 50,000 books.

Everything from anthropology and animals to religious study and yoga.

A few examples from our broad selection...

John Dee's Spiritual Diaries - 1583 - 1608

Red Goddess - Limitless Love Edition - Softcover

Seven Faces of Darkness - Practical Typhonian Magic

Friday, January 16, 2015

Tarot 101: The Basics

So you want to explore Tarot, but you don't know where to begin? You're not alone. Many Tarot newbies find they are confused and intimidated when first learning the art of Tarot cards. With so many cards featuring such complex illustrations and mysterious interpretations, it's not uncommon for beginners to feel a little frustrated. How does it work, and what the heck does it all mean? We're here to help.

What is Tarot?

Like many forms of divination, Tarot cards are a tool to help you tap into your own intuition and the wisdom of the universal energy that guides your life. Tarot, which has origins in 14th century Europe, is not a form of fortune telling. It's more like a mirror that reflects what is happening in your life at the moment. Tarot is able to tap into hidden thoughts, feelings and truths and bring them to the surface so you can use that information to make decisions about life, love, emotions, health, career and more. Try a Tarot reading now »

About Tarot Card Decks

Most Tarot card decks consist of 78 Tarot cards broken into a Major Arcana (22 cards) and a Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Major Arcana cards typically represent significant life events on a large scale, while the Minor Arcana cards deal with day-to-day life. The Minor Arcana includes four "suits" that each has a theme. Each suit is numbered one through 10, with four additional Court cards (Page, Knight, Queen and King).

Pentacles -- Also referred to as "Disks" or "Coins," cards in the Pentacles suit pertain to things in the material and physical world. Pentacles cards often indicate money matters, career and success, but they also can indicate levels of emotional and spiritual prosperity, too. Learn more about the Pentacles »

Wands -- Sometimes called "Staffs," the suit of Wands is more spiritual and is used to illustrate the energy of movement, growth and new beginnings. Wands represent ideas and innovation. They are often related to your career or your sense of purpose in the world, but they can deliver strong love messages, too. Learn more about the Wands »

Cups -- The suit of Cups is connected to our emotions and to our relationships, and to matters of the soul. Cups cards can reveal how we truly feel -- and how others truly feel about us. They also speak of our emotional well-being. Learn more about the Cups »

Swords -- The Swords cards are most associated with conflict and strife, which can refer to internal conflict, as well. Swords cut to the heart of a matter, revealing our greatest challenges. They can tell of illness, heartbreak, war, loss and death, but they can also reveal truths we need to face in order to move forward, which ultimately is a positive thing. Learn more about the Swords »

About Tarot Spreads

Tarot cards are shuffled and laid out in any number of Tarot spreads. The best known spread is the 11-card Celtic Cross, but there are countless other Tarot spreads you can choose depending on what type of question you want to ask and how many cards you wish to draw.  If you want to start out very simply, you can draw just one card about a specific person or situation. In fact, your question doesn't even need to be a question! It's called an "open reading" when you simply think about a person or situation instead of asking a direct question -- the cards will still provide insight. Browse through our Tarot readings

Each position in a Tarot spread has its own significant meaning, just as every card has its own meaning. For example, your spread may feature positions for "past," "present" and "future," or for "possible outcome," so it's important to pay attention to the position in which each card turns up. A card speaking of heartbreak would surely mean something different if it turned up in the past instead of the future, right?

Laying Out Your Tarot Cards

Once you've determined your Tarot spread, it's customary to shuffle all 78 cards in the Tarot deck and cut the cards as many times as you like while thinking about your question. This allows your energy to interact with the energy of the cards to achieve the best results. It also helps if you do your reading in a peaceful and relaxed environment.

When you are done shuffling and feel the moment is right, speak your question out loud, then pull your first card from anywhere in the deck and lay it on the first position of your spread in the upright position. Do the same for the remaining cards until every card is in place. Now comes the hardest (and most fun!) part -- figuring out how to interpret your Tarot reading.

How to Read Tarot Cards

Tarot beginners will likely need to refer to or to a Tarot reference book to find the meaning of each card in their spread. The illustrations on each card depict archetypes of the human experience, but they can also take on personal meaning for you.

Let's take The Fool card, for example. This card features a happy young man gazing into the distance. He's about to step off a cliff into the unknown as the Sun rises behind him, and he has a small knapsack of supplies. Now think about how this literal description of The Fool might be translated into an insightful message. The classic interpretation is that of a person at the beginning of something new -- perhaps a new relationship or a life-changing adventure -- and they should be feeling positive about it because they have everything they need to succeed.

See, doesn't that make sense? Now you try. Begin by studying each card and the position it is in, write down notes about how the card makes you think and feel based on its imagery and symbolism, then look up the classic meaning and make a note about that, too. Once you have done this for all the cards in your spread, you'll start to see a story developing -- a story that's all about you!

Originally posted @

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

10 Easy Tips to Detox Daily for a Healthy Life

Daily Detox Tip #1 – Lemon Water The principal organ of detoxification is the liver. Supporting liver function naturally improves the detox process. Check out this quick liver cleanse — it is so simple — in the morning drink a cup of warm lemon water. The warm lemon water helps purify and stimulate the liver. Squeeze at least a half of a lemon into a glass of the warm filtered water, without any sweetener, then sip and enjoy. Daily detox is only one of the benefits of drinking warm lemon water, here are 10 more reasons to drink lemon water.

Daily Detox Tip #2 – Detox Bath
A detox bath is one of the easiest healing therapies we can do to facilitate our body’s natural detox system. When we take a detox bath, we not only boost our health and well-being, but also strengthen our immune system and prevent disease. A detox bath is a great way to end the day, fill a tub with hot water, add some epsom salt and baking soda to neutralize the chemicals found in the water, perhaps a few drops of essential oils and soak. It is that easy.

Daily Detox Tip #3 – Oil Pulling
Oil pulling has been used for thousands of years as a holistic detox remedy. It couldn’t be any easier, just put a heaping teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth, swish around your mouth and between teeth for 10 minutes, then spit it out. There are thousands of bacteria found in the mouth, some healthy and others not so much. The toxic bacteria is a main culprit in plaque buildup, gingivitis, bad breath and cavities.

Daily Detox Tip #4 – Make-Up Make-Over
The average woman puts over 500 chemicals per day on her body. The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is also the gateway, for the varied toxins we come in contact with to get inside. It is believed that our skin absorbs 60-70% of any topical products we use. Why not give your make-up a make-over and swap them out for their non-toxic counterparts. Run your current cosmetics through the EWG’s Skin Deep Database and see where they rank. If you are a DIYer Toxic Free is my go to resource for making your own personal care products. I am currently loving this body butter recipe.

Daily Detox Tip #5 – Ditch the Dryer Sheets
Unless you live in a nudist colony, wearing clothes and washing clothes is a part of every day life. One of the most toxic things we do, on a regular basis, is the use of fabric softener or dryer sheets. Those perfume-laden (even fragrance-free) sheets and liquid are full of toxic chemicals. Chemicals that infiltrate the clothes we wear, which in turn get on our skin and absorbed into our body. And according to neurological experts, contribute to dysfunction and disease of the nervous system. Felted wool dryer balls are an easy to make, non-toxic alternative to dryer sheets and commercial fabric softeners. Throw 6 of these in the dryer with your laundry and you will never go back to dryer sheets again. Are you ready to ditch the dryer sheets?

Daily Detox Tip #6 – Clean Up Your Cleaning Products
Most household cleaners are made with toxic ingredients and are labeled with the words CAUTION, WARNING, or DANGER. Some are even labeled as HAZARDOUS WASTE meaning they must be disposed of at a permitted hazardous waste management facility. It’s easy to clean up your cleaning products and avoid toxic household cleaners. You can make your own, like this non-toxic all-purpose cleaner for household cleaning, or this easy foaming hand soap for personal hand and body care. If making your own isn’t your forte, this is the only completely all-natural non-toxic cleaner I use for everything from laundry, dog washing, hand sanitizing, baby washing, fruit and veggie washing to natural oven cleaning. I heard a rumor my friend DaNelle uses it for washing her goats.

Daily Detox Tip #7 – Sleep and Slumber
Did you know sleep acts as a “dishwasher” for the brain. When we sleep, the brains cells are cleared of harmful toxins. During sleep, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain increases dramatically, washing away harmful waste proteins that build up between brain cells during waking hours. One of the waste products removed is beta-amyloid, which is why you need sleep if you don’t want dementia. I am not a sleep expert, and I agree, there are some who legitimately have a sleep disorder that requires medical attention. However, a good majority of people do not have a sleep disorder, but need to implement some healthy sleep habits, reduce stress in their lives and balance their hormones.

Daily Detox Tip #8 – Excuse to Exercise
Not only does exercise make you feel better, but it’s an easy way to help your body boost its natural detoxification process. When we exercise, blood circulation improves, bringing nutrients not to just our muscles but all of our organs. Exercise aids the lymphatic sys
tant for daily detox. Toxins not eliminated through our urine or bowel movements can be eliminated though our skin via sweat.

Daily Detox Tip #9 – Master Mindset
Our brain processes negative and positive information differently. And because of this we seem to hold onto the negative toxic stuff and forget the positive. Did you know, we believe more of what we hear ourselves say than anything else? It’s a well-documented fact of human nature! In the early phase of recovering from adrenal fatigue, I did a lot of feeling sorry for myself. I also would say out loud several times a day how tired I was or how miserable I felt. Then I started learning more and more about the battlefield of the mind and how I was prophesying my ill-health instead of my recovery and future robust health. Need a challenge to master your mindset? How about a 40-day no complaining fast.

Daily Detox Tip #10 – Nutrition Reset
Our body’s natural detoxification is dependent on our nutrient sufficiency. This natural process may become sluggish or inefficient due to inadequate vitamins and minerals. When this happens not all toxins are removed from the body, instead they deposit themselves in our fat tissue and nerve cells. Over time this contributes to a wide range of degenerative health conditions. Foods that naturally support our body to detox daily includes, vegetables, fruit, eggs, fish, poultry, meat and even high-quality whey protein. When it comes to the detoxification process, avoiding toxins found in our food supply is also important. Organic, grass-fed and pasture-raised are a wise choice!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

North Country Herbalist Guild

Interested in herbal medicine? Have you checked out the North Country Herbalist Guild?

The North Country Herbalist Guild is a non–profit organization dedicated to promoting education in the practice of therapeutic herbalism. Their mission is to serve as a resource to the community and to create a network of support and communication among herbalists in the upper Midwest. Their programs are designed to encourage ethical collection and preservation techniques and to promote education that increases awareness of ecological balance and a healthy environment.

The North Country Herbalist Guild sponsors monthly meetings that take place on the first Wednesday of every month (except for January and July), from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. One or two of our summer meetings are plant walks. We invite you all for social time with tea and snacks from 6:30 to 7:00.The meetings are open to the Guild’s membership and the public. At each of these meetings we sponsor a local speaker who discusses topics designed to advance the study of the therapeutic use of herbs.

Magus Books' Liz Johnson is a frequent speaker and educator at the North Country Herbalist Guild conferences and seminars.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Magus Books: Product Highlight

Mushroom In Christian Art - The Identity Of Jesus In The Development Of Christianity (Includes Bonus DVD With Image Art) 

In The Mushroom in Christian Art, author John A. Rush uses an artistic motif to define the nature of Christian art, establish the identity of Jesus, and expose the motive for his murder. Covering Christian art from 200 CE (common era) to the present, the author reveals that Jesus, the Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, is a personification of the Holy Mushroom, Amanita muscaria. The mushroom, Rush argues, symbolizes numerous mind-altering substances—psychoactive mushrooms, cannabis, henbane, and mandrake—used by the early, more experimentally minded Christian sects.

Drawing on primary historical sources, Rush traces the history—and face—of Jesus as being constructed and codified only after 325 CE. The author relates Jesus’s life to a mushroom typology, discovering its presence, disguised, in early Christian art. In the process, he reveals the ritual nature of the original Christian cults, rites, and rituals, including mushroom use. The book authoritatively uncovers Jesus’s message of peace, love, and spiritual growth and proposes his murder as a conspiracy by powerful reactionary forces who would replace that message with the oppressive religious-political system that endures to this day. Rush’s use of the mushroom motif as a springboard for challenging mainstream views of Western religious history is both provocative and persuasive.