Thursday, February 6, 2014

Choosing the Right Divination Deck

The perfect deck can open the doors of perception and bring new realizations to mind, enabling the person using the deck to envision new possibilities and even avoid pitfalls.  Cards help us to organize our thoughts and even receive information from our higher power.  Finding the best deck is an important part of bringing the best of ourselves into being.  How do we find the best deck?  Here are a few basic guidelines to help.
If there is no strong impulse toward an oracle deck because of its subject matter, like angels, labyrinths,  birds, or native American spirituality, then deciding if tarot is the best form of divination deck is the first step.  This classic form of divination deck is scary for some, but an invaluable tool for others.  It contains cards meant to symbolize great change, hardships imagined and real, and also great joy, true love, and a comfortable life.  If the symbolism of a tarot deck brings a strong sense of meaning, then tarot is a good choice.  If the symbolism is too gruesome or frightening, then another kind of oracle deck is a better choice.
One of the benefits of tarot is that the decks are fairly standardized and once the first tarot deck is easy to read, any tarot deck becomes very easy to pick up and read.  That makes finding a new, even better deck a joy!

If  tarot sounds great, then take a good look at a number of decks. is a good place to explore decks, but keep in mind that sites like this one will include both decks available and decks that are out of print and no longer available.  Cross referencing with a good oracle deck supplier is a great idea.  

I recommend

When seeking out a tarot deck, look for art that is appealing.  A deck that is beautiful to the eye of the beholder is a deck that will get used.  Using a deck is the best way to understand how it works and how to get the best readings from it.
What if tarot is not so appealing?  Then there are many choices and lots of freedom.  These decks can have as few as 20 cards, as opposed to the 78 cards in a tarot deck.  A first deck might be more fun if there are fewer cards to learn before it becomes easy to give a reading.
Oracle decks usually have a theme that can teach more than how to read, but also the traditional meanings of things from angels to animals, to cats.  Often a particular culture is the inspiration for the deck, so it is possible to find a deck on animals that draws on Celtic lore, for example, or, a deck that draws inspiration from The Lord of the Rings.  Sometimes the decks take a multicultural perspective and it it becomes possible to learn lore from ll over the world on a favorite subject.  Choose an area of interest and look for a deck that fits!

While all decks come with a small guide book included with the deck, some also have a full sized book available as well.  These are often sold in sets with the deck and are great for further guidance.

The most important rule?  Play!  Enjoy any deck you choose, use them wisely and as skills and experience grow, be prepared to be thrilled with a new deck every now and then.

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