Saturday, February 8, 2014

Charging a Talisman

A talisman is any magical item which is used to attract or repel specific influences, such as a talisman for love, or a talisman against scorpions. Talismans come in many forms, but rings and pendants are some of the most common. What makes the item magical, you might ask? You do!

As an item moves through the world it naturally takes on some of the energetic charge of what it is exposed to, especially emotion. Charging, or consecrating, a talisman is the conscious direction of these mental and emotional states into an item, so that it continues to radiate these energies and may affect us or others in the future.  A consecration can be anything as simple as holding an item in your hand and saying a short prayer, to an elaborate multi-day ceremony involving fasting and meticulous astrological calculations. Basically, a consecration can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. Here is an outline for a sample ritual for the consecration of a love talisman, which will illustrate in more detail some of the considerations involved:

First, you may want to perform the ritual on a Friday, as it is the day of Venus, the traditional planetary ruler of all things related to love. 

It is important that the space you are going to work in is free from clutter and any distractions; so turn off the phone, etc. Next, consider lighting candles and/or incense which represent the desired effect to you, in this case love. Common candle colors are red for passion, pink for gentle love, and white for the Divine Love. Sandalwood or rose are good incense choices.  You may also want to have a few stones with you, such as rose quartz and/or emerald.

Now it is time to create the sacred space for the working to take place within. This can be done in many ways, the most common being the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or a Wiccan circle casting. For those unfamiliar with either of these methods, it is enough to pray for divine presence and know that your space is sacred. Creating a circle around the working area with salt is also a good option.

Next, take at least a full minute to breathe deeply and focus your intention. Say out loud the purpose of the ritual and, when you are ready, place your hands on or just above the object you are consecrating. Form a mental image of what you wish the talisman to accomplish and feel the qualities that you wish to imbue it with as strongly and as clearly as possible. Now, imagine this image and feeling flowing out through your hands and into the object. It can be helpful to do this over several breath cycles, focusing your intention on the in-breath and projecting it into the object on the out-breath.

It is important to note that this ‘projection’ is the most important step in the process and also the most common point for things to go awry, especially in the case of love magick. It is essential that you project only the qualities which will help attract love, otherwise the talisman may be ineffectual, or may even work against you. For example, very few people are attracted to desperation; if you project your desire or longing into the talisman, that’s what it will radiate. It is far better and more effective to project feelings such as warmth and confidence, traits universally seen as attractive.

Take another minute to breathe and feel a sense of profound gratitude wash over you. Open the circle, do another Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, or end the ritual however you see fit. You’re done! Keep talisman on your person, or in an area where you will see it often.


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