Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Moon Manifestation

The new moon can be a intensely magical part of the year. The new moon represents an optimal time for planning, seeding, and planting of your intentions. Recognizing that it takes time for the period of gestation & breaking through to daylight, realizing it is also so with our ideas and desires. It takes the darkness of the New Moon to see the star we should reach for.  With the dark moon, we have time to reflect on the mysterious unseen forces which offers a nurturing environment where our intentions can be planted before they spring into manifestation, and reach for the stars.

New Moon Ritual

Look on your calendar and find the next new moon. It’s a monthly occurrence, so you won’t have to wait too long. In the meantime, take time to contemplate and focus on what you want to change or manifest in your life. Take into careful consideration how you word your intention, because the saying “Be careful what you ask for ; you just might get it” comes into full effect when you’re adding  magical energy to it.  Set aside about 20-30 minutes for the ritual itself.

Here is a list of supply suggestions:
Begin by purifying your space. You can set a ritual circle if you wish, or just smudge the area with incense. Light the candle, inviting in beneficent beings that are willing to aid in achieving your wants and wishes. Next, write your intention as succinctly as possible. I recommend adding something like “I accept _____________ into my life now, or something better that is for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned”. Now for the fun part: create a sigil or symbol representing your intention. Be creative as possible; it doesn’t need to be a work of art, just a representation of your desire for change. Carry this symbol with you at all times, until the changes have fully manifested.

Remember that some changes take time, and it is okay to repeat the ritual at the next full moon with the same intention, or you can set new intentions. It is helpful to salt & pepper your list with smaller, simpler items that will manifest more easily. Think of things like lunch with a friend, a massage, or tickets to a show. Not only can you enjoy these manifestations as well, but you’ll be aware that your spell is working, and it will snowball the rest of your intentions. If it makes you happy and you want more, put it on your list. Keep in mind it doesn’t have to be a tangible thing either; wishing for deeper and healthier relationships isn’t a bad one at all.

When you are ready, take your time to give thanks and appreciation to the Powers That Be for aiding and helping you. Thank and dismiss the energies that you earlier evoked when lighting the candle, by intentionally blowing out the candle.

You can do this New Moon ritual at every new moon, or just when there is something in particular that you need help changing or manifesting.


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