Thursday, March 20, 2014

Playing with Pendulums

Ever play with a pendulum? They’re GREAT for instant amusement, figuring out where you left your keys, testing the chakras, and learning to work with your own energy. I first heard of using a pendulum when a friend told me how he’d used one to find his fiancee’s lost engagement ring. They’d searched everywhere for a few days, and were able to locate it after using a pendulum.

My first time of personally using one was when I was going to school for Shiatsu-massage. We used them in class one day to demonstrate how to open up your hand-chakras, and how to close them down. A very important skill for a therapist to have: knowing how to project or contain your energies. We also used the pendulum to determine the health of the chakra-system. Beginning at the root chakra, we saw how each chakra spins clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the chakra. It was a quick and easy way to find if a person was out of balance, and what chakras they needed to work on opening up or closing an overactive chakra.

Finding a pendulum is easy. You can find them in stores, made out of a wide variety of materials: different stones, each enhancing the pendulum with gemstone qualities, or metals such as brass, copper, or silver. In a snap you can even use a necklace. All that is really required is an object that freely dangles from the end of a string or chain. And easy way to begin is playing with opening and closing your hand chakra.

Here’s how I do it: 
  • Choose your pendulum (we have an awesome variety at Magus, so I just pick up one off the rack). Lay the pendulum piece in your palm, and gently pick up the chain or string, and lift the pendulum about 2 or 3 inches from your palm. 
  • Keep it still, as much as you are able (don’t make it move by moving your hand --- that’s cheating). Then, concentrate on seeing a vortex of energy rising from your hand in a spiral. 
  • Once you get the pendulum swinging accordingly, then imagine the vortex getting sucked into your hand, like a tornado, and try to bring the pendulum to a stop. 
  • Open it up again, and close it down again. 
Instant amusement for you, you’ll amaze those watching, and you’ll have a very physical test of how well you can control your energy. Of course, many people use pendulums to answer simple Yes or No questions. This comes in handy for finding those darn keys, or that family-heirloom ring. For this, each time you begin, ask the pendulum to “show me Yes” and “show me No” as the direction it moves may vary depending on the pendulum you are using at the moment, and also your own energy at that moment. Then start big picture: Is it outside? Is it in my house? Did the Fido eat it? Is it in _____________ room? This way, you basically narrow down the possibilities until you are able to locate the object.

I’ve seen customers use their pendulums to help them make decisions on purchases also. Basically, the pendulum is one of the most basic and dependable forms of divination. They are usually small, and easy to carry in a pocket. They can be used as a learning tool, a divination tool, or just pure fun and amusement. Come on into Magus and feel free to “test drive” the different stones and metal pendulums we carry, and find the one that works best for you. Prices range from free (use that necklace you’re wearing) to $40, but most are under $20, making them a great gift item also.


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