Monday, May 19, 2014

Foxen Organics Deodorant

About a year ago I decided to give up the use of traditional deodorants because of concerns over the long-term effects of aluminum products. Now, as an arch-virgo, this was not an easy decision, as the possibility of smelling bad is just about the most abhorrent thing imaginable to me and I was not sure if the natural stuff would cut it. Nevertheless, I began my quest to find a healthful alternative.

I started with a liquidy roll-on that I bought from a nice hippie woman at a folk festival. It smelled strongly, but did nothing to stop me from feeling wet and gross. Next, I tried a leading natural stick deodorant available at most coops. It worked well, except for the fact that it took forever to dry and left white stains on all my t-shirts. So, I took to standing in front of a fan with my arms raised in the morning for a few minutes, even in winter, until it dried. Even with this strategy, I would sometimes have to reapply half way through the day. Eventually, I tried another natural roll-on from the coop, with much the same results as the first I had tried.

I had pretty much resigned myself to spending my mornings with my arms over my head when a long-time customer brought me a sample of the natural deodorant she had been working on. I was immediately hooked. It smelled great; it went on easily without an uncomfortable wet feeling; it didn’t stain my shirts and above all, it WORKED. After one application, I was fine for the rest of the day. I went through the sample in a week and since the main batch was not finished yet, I asked for another. When the tins arrived, I was the first the buy one. Foxen Organics Deodorant is hands down the best that I have found, and better still, it is locally and lovingly made. I cannot recommend it enough.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Corner Stone....Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful stone, even in its raw form. It has a wondrously deep rich blue color (imagine the bluest sky you have ever seen), graced with delicate streaks and specks of pyrite. The blue and gold are even further enhanced by polishing and shaping.

Elemental Attribution
: Water

Planetary Attribution: Venus

Associated Deities and Spirits
: Hathor, Venus, Aphrodite, and Isis

Source: Primarily from Afghanistan, along with mines in the Andes and in North America.

Magic: Lapis Lazuli is a highly magical stone, with influence over your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Physically it is a stone which promotes healing of fevers and diseases of the blood. Just holding lapis lazuli can calm the body and ease nerves and tension.

Wearing lapis lazuli can bring good health and benefit. Mentally, lapis lazuli can bring a sense of calmness and balance, enhancing mental stability and increasing awareness on many levels.

Lapis lazuli is useful in achieving emotional balance and stability, as well. Many ancients used this stone to bring love and gentleness into their lives. Used a material basis for a talisman, along with the powers of Venus, it can bring you good fortune in your quest for love, or to keep fidelity with one you already love. Most importantly, lapis lazuli enhances your spirit with the magic of psychic awareness. Many use it to increase their perception and recall of dreams, and in attaining awareness in dream-magic. Keep a piece by your bed or on the table when you perform any divination, such as tarot, runes or scrying. In ancient times lapis was also used as a stone of protection to keep away unwanted psychic disturbances and unfriendly spirits.


Tarot...The Elements

The lower Arcana is where our modern playing cards descended from. Hearts, clubs, spades, and Diamonds. They were originally cups, wands, swords, and pentacles, which did and still represent the four elements: water, fire, air, and earth. They represent the building blocks of our psyche. Our emotions, creativity, intellect, and the physical, material realm we dwell in. They help us to find balance in our physical and spiritual life, which is the ultimate goal for most of us.

Our focus is going to start with the cups and the element of water.

The cups suit, take us through the emotional ups and downs we experience with people, situations, and creative ventures in life, how to work through our emotions, and accept them, or let them go.

Water is our life force, we are made of it, we cannot survive without it. Our emotions are our spiritual life force, if we didn't have emotions life would be meaningless and our souls would starve. 
We would live in our body and only once, never experiencing what it is capable of. 
You can start to tune yourself in to this elemental force to help you balance your water/emotions in your life.

Questions to meditate on that can be a helpful way to do this, are to ask yourself, are your emotions internally balanced, as well as externally? Are there negative emotional situations you need to face before you can move on to positive ones?

A life without water, is unimaginable. As is a spirit without ever feeling emotions.


Friday, May 2, 2014

May Massage Special

Book a massage with Mela this month! 

With over 15 years of experience, Mela uses multiple modalities to give you the best massage experience possible.

Her massage toolbox includes Cranio-Sacral, Zen Shiatsu, Intuitive and Transformational healing techniques.

May Massage Special: Book a 90-minute Integrated Intuitive Massage + 15 minute Cranio-Sacral ($110 value) for $85! Use promo code “May Massage."

Click on BOOK ONLINE button to the right.