Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Corner Stone....Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a beautiful stone, even in its raw form. It has a wondrously deep rich blue color (imagine the bluest sky you have ever seen), graced with delicate streaks and specks of pyrite. The blue and gold are even further enhanced by polishing and shaping.

Elemental Attribution
: Water

Planetary Attribution: Venus

Associated Deities and Spirits
: Hathor, Venus, Aphrodite, and Isis

Source: Primarily from Afghanistan, along with mines in the Andes and in North America.

Magic: Lapis Lazuli is a highly magical stone, with influence over your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Physically it is a stone which promotes healing of fevers and diseases of the blood. Just holding lapis lazuli can calm the body and ease nerves and tension.

Wearing lapis lazuli can bring good health and benefit. Mentally, lapis lazuli can bring a sense of calmness and balance, enhancing mental stability and increasing awareness on many levels.

Lapis lazuli is useful in achieving emotional balance and stability, as well. Many ancients used this stone to bring love and gentleness into their lives. Used a material basis for a talisman, along with the powers of Venus, it can bring you good fortune in your quest for love, or to keep fidelity with one you already love. Most importantly, lapis lazuli enhances your spirit with the magic of psychic awareness. Many use it to increase their perception and recall of dreams, and in attaining awareness in dream-magic. Keep a piece by your bed or on the table when you perform any divination, such as tarot, runes or scrying. In ancient times lapis was also used as a stone of protection to keep away unwanted psychic disturbances and unfriendly spirits.


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