Friday, November 14, 2014

Meet the Magus Minions....Kristin Vandenberg

I was first introduced to witchcraft when I was about thirteen years old.  My youngest aunt became interested in Wicca, and I read pretty much every book she bought on the subject (including the classic Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft).  I bought a Rider-Waite deck of Tarot cards the following year.  After becoming frustrated with the tiny instruction book included in the card pack, I trekked to a chain bookstore in search of a more in-depth guide to Tarot cards.  The book I chose was the Golden Dawn Journal, Volume 1: Divination.  There I was, at age fourteen, trying to understand Tarot in relation to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which I had never heard of up until that point.  It was kind of ridiculous!

My interest in spiritual paths has remained strong, and I eventually earned a degree in Religious Studies.  My magical tastes are varied.  I incorporate quite a few magical schools into my own thought and practice: Voodoo, folk magic, ceremonial magic, Santeria, and Wicca.  More recently, I’ve really been getting into grimoires and Solomonic magic. I love helping customers figure out solutions to any kind of tricky magical problems they might be having!

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